Mel and Richard's

Excellent Journey

Wednesday, December 01, 2004


We've kind of finished our big holiday now. Well, the exotic places anyway. Mel's back working and I've been sorting out all the usual stuff you have to in a new country (bank account, driver's licence etc).

I survived meeting the family. They've all been very nice. They've teased me about the cricket of course. Hey, it's not my fault that they're so bad at the moment!

Mel's Mum and Neil took us to Doyle's Seafood Restaurant in Watson's Bay. That was spectacular. You have views back across the harbour to the centre of Sydney. We've also done the Bondi to Coogee walk with Mel's sister Jo.

Peter and Julie have been very generous and are looking after Mel and I very well. Mel's kid sister, Amanda, has proven to be very easy to get along with. It is a bit odd sharing a house with three other people after having a place to ourselves in London. Still, it seems to be working out.

We are looking forward to getting our own place though - either to rent or buy. Then we'll be able to properly unpack and start our Sydney lives in earnest.

Not sure that they'll be much more blogging. I might include an NZ post or two but that might be about it. Thanks for reading!


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