Mel and Richard's

Excellent Journey

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Nicely done

Sorry for the long time between updates - again. Finally managed to get a little time to do some updating. Mel and I arrived in Nice on the overnight train. We arrived before the information place was open and were standing around outside the station deciding what to do next when we were approached by the owner of the local youth hostel. He told a good story about the place and we decided to go with the hostel. The hostel was a bus trip away although we got a lift up there with other guests that had already arranged to stay at the youth hostel. The owner was very disorganised but the room was nice. Lovely curtains though. The whole place was under renovation. Lovely big breakfast room too.

Nice was fun. The water is an amazing turquoise. We only got as far as wading in the water...which was warmer than the water on the Costa del Sol - surprisingly.

We didn`t do much except wander around and have a look at the place. We did do a day trip to Monaco. It really is something else...the harbour is filled with some fantastic yachts. One, in particular, dwarfed everything else. That was the Lady Moura.

All in all a great stop. From there we caught the train to Verona. We had wanted to go to Florence but the train times were awful. And I had enjoyed Verona the last time I was there. Anyway, more in the next blog on that.


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