Mel and Richard's

Excellent Journey

Monday, September 13, 2004

To the Peloponesse

From Delphi we decided to head down to a little place called Dhiakofto. Unfortunately, it was a bit of an effort getting there. The bus to Delphi had involved a change of bus and some waiting around but the trip to Dhiakofto was much worse.

It all started well with a spectacular breakfast (just an omelette and yoghurt, honey and fruit but very tasty). Our first change of bus was fine but then the bus took forever to get to the next interchange. It went through every small town it seemed and some of the roads are extremely tiny. Slow going! We changed buses again and then had to change to yet another to cross from andirio to rio ("andi" meaning opposite like in "antipodes" with slightly different spelling). Actually, we had a Greek shop keeper tell us in Delphi that we know lots of Greek words because English has borrowed so many. Yes, really, just like in My Big Fat Greek Wedding...the movie that is...I'm not trying to break any news or anything!

The crossing was a big bridge across to the Peloponesse (South-west Greece). Once we had crossed we thought the bus would stop for us at the right place. We'd told the conductor where we were going when we put the packs onboard. Unfortunately, the bus didn't stop. Once I realised we'd gone too far we got the bus to stop near the next town. We walked for about 15 mins or more to find nothing there but a service station. They were very helpful but couldn't do much for us and they didn't speak any English. Luckily we were able to hail a cab and get to Dhiakofto. Never mind these things do happen. If we'd got off the bus where we were supposed to we would have had a mammoth walk to the town and it wasn't clearly signposted. In the end, it probably worked out quite well.

Anyway, Dhiakofto has a rack-and-pinion railway which was highly recommended in the guidebook. You hop on a little 2 carriage train and head into the mountains for an hour to a pretty little town. We quite enjoyed it although it perhaps didn't quite live up to my expectations.

The next day, we met an English guy who thought it was the trip of a lifetime. I still rate the train up to Jungfrau in Switzerland as way better. We had a nice day though.


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